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Pudding to go Recipes : #1 Creepy Crawly Dirt Cups !

This is an easy, fun recipe that kids can make almost entirely on their own! A great idea for a fun afternoon at home, or for a birthday party activity. 

Homemade Chocolate Dirt Pudding with Gummy Worms

What you need:

  • 10 packs of Yabon’s Chocolate Pudding to Go
  • 10 small-size cups
  • 1 medium tub of cool-whip or other whipped topping 
  • 1 pack of Oreos 
  • 1 large bags of gummy worms 
  • 1 large (or 10 small) Ziploc bag(s)


  1. Scoop 1 or 2 large dollops of Cool Whip into the bottom of each cup. 
  2. Squeeze one pack of Yabon’s Chocolate Pudding to Go into each cup.
  3. Kids can choose to mix the Cool Whip and Chocolate Pudding together to make a chocolate mousse, or to leave the white Cool Whip layer and the Chocolate Pudding layer separate. 
  4. Put 2 Oreos per cup (20 total) into a large Ziploc. (You can do this all together in a big bag, or have each child crush up their own Oreos separately in a small Ziploc). Crush the oreos until they look like DIRT!
  5. Pour the Oreo “dirt” on top of the pudding. 
  6. Stick 3 or 4 gummy worms into each cup. 

Enjoy your yummy, wiggly, wormy dirt cup!